round metallic beads x20pcs - silver 8mm - lot of metal beads
Available quantity : 2
- Conditionnement : Par lot de 20
- Matière : Métal
- Forme : rond
- Couleur : Argenté
- Largeur : 8 mm
Lot of 20 round metal beads to give space to your jewelry creations
Bag of metallic round beads to space your beads. The beads are sold in batches of 20 units. Size: 8mm Several sizes and colours of pearls are available in our shop la-mercerie-des-copines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do not hesitate to join the girlfriends on our Facebook page! To join us: www.facebook.com/lamerceriedescopines A soon!